Category: 100 Days of Writing

Minecraft for Teaching Biotech | Minecraft Biotech

Minecraft could be the ultimate biotech learning tool. Kids that play the game are already used to crafting – taking blocks of stone, wood, ore and creating novel tools and materials on a crafting table – and brewing – creating potions by adding ingredients to water bottles in a brewing stand. It would only take a […]

How To Clone a Dragon 1 | Can We Ever Bioengineer Dragons?

So you want to clone a dragon? Before you can clone anything you have to have a copy to work from and because dragons do not yet exist, you’re going to have to bio-engineer one first. But before you start the biological design process that will result in your dragon, you need to remember this […]

Head-Mounted Display DNA Synthesis

How will virtual reality change our view into DNA synthesis? With a head-mounted display interface to mixed reality, you will not only hold DNA in your hand, you will watch the way your modifications are translated into proteins. As amino acids are added to your protein, separate algorithms will tell you whether your product folds correctly […]

Stop. Listen. Learn. What To Do When You Need Inspiration.

It is so much easier to consume, accumulate, and continue distracted than it is to stop, create and take action. So, then, the first step is to turn off, disconnect and take a few deep breaths. Then wait. Feel uncomfortable and listen. The next action will be clear.   (11.100)

NSA Art Project

With the National Security Agency’s new open source face recognition API, take a selfie, upload it to their database and begin searching for your twin(s). Armed with a series of matches, create photographs and profiles based on available online data and post to your heart’s content. Bonus points for using genomic information to find your twin(s). […]

Dub: Best Dressed Chicken in Town

In my world, Dr. Alimantado (born Winston Thompson, AKA The Ital Surgeon) and his Best Dressed Chicken in Town was my introduction to reggae long before I realized the power of Catch-A-Fire-Bob-Marley, Legalize-It Peter Tosh and Roast Fish Collie Weed & Corn Bread Lee “Scratch” Perry. Public Image Limited’s Jah Wobble’s reggae-influenced thunk-punk bass, morphed into dancehall and reggaeton drilled into […]

Reading Buddies

In kindergarten, first and second grade, my reading buddies were fourth and fifth graders. I started reading to younger kids when I was in fourth, fifth. But starting in sixth grade, the assignments were made by OSIS and based on reading level and  need. I read to kids all over the City. Young kids from […]